Words can either be glazed over or stir readers into reacting either through emotion or action. Power words are the words that cause reactions because they take the readers in and engage them. The longer a reader focuses on your message, the more likely he or she will invest in your cause or follow your organization.
Websites belonging to nonprofit organizations are typical of the kind that needs potent and powerful words. Using these types of words in their pitches will bring in the support to sustain their cause. However, some words carry far more weight than others when properly used.
These are a few of the power words that nonprofit organizations should have in their vocabulary for both their written and spoken communications, online and face-to-face:
Now, Free, Exclusive, Proven, Power, Try, Learn, You, Donate, Results, Imagine, Create, Bonus, Increase, Announcing, Easy, Click, How To, Discover, Revolutionary, Promote, Tell Us, Improvement, Inspires, Challenge, Remarkable, Hurry, Sensational, Join, and Become a Member.
Using powerful and potent words isn’t easy because it can quickly turn sour if they are used incorrectly – and this happens far too often for comfort. Instead of eliciting positive vibes, you could damage your reputation; instead of earning Likes, you could be on the receiving end of hate email, and so on.
In a simple test conducted by a large information website, when an empty question was replaced by a power word like “get”, the response was a conversion rate increase of 103%. When a doctor played around with three questions all asking for the same thing from a group of people, she discovered that saying “excuse me” is not as effective as saying “this is a rush job.” This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be pleasant and respectful to people, but it emphasizes that there are certain words that prompt people to act faster than other words.
Thus, with words such as those listed above, readers find themselves either responding impulsively or regardless of whether it makes sense for them to act accordingly or not.
On the other hand, improper use of the words can land you in a lot of trouble if the audience misunderstands your message or gets offended by the way you write or speak. In a nutshell, you need several things in place if you want to use these words effectively:
- One, know your audience.
- Two, know the words to use.
- Three, choose your words wisely and make sure they are relevant to your audience.
In written communications, there are key places where potent words carry more weight. These areas are the title, headlines, subject line, beginning and end of your content, comments, and Calls To Action (CTAs).
Create engaging copy and sensational communications with carefully selected power words and watch your readers react positively to your message. Your words can be powerful, and you can achieve your marketing goals, gain subscribers, solicit donations, and grow your online presence right now. Try it and enjoy the results!