Email marketing is a very effective tool when used correctly. It can expand reach and engagement with clients and help build support for various causes or products that may be of interest or value. There are many things to look for when building an effective email marketing campaign. The following is a short guide to five important email-marketing tips for non-profit organizations.
1. Make your email easy to read.
People can be very busy in this day and age. In the midst of it, they will check text messages, social networks, and email a little less often. In the hustle and bustle, individuals have little time to focus on information that comes to their inbox. When an email is opened, it should be simple and easy to read. By wisely using word choices and fonts, the reader should be able to easily identify that main part of your message with a very quick scan of the email. Make your headlines clear with its benefits highlighted.
2. Have a clear call-to-action component within the email.
Once you construct a clear and straightforward email, do not forget to insert a call-to-action. Make the message clear as to what the next step is going to be. Your message should be compelling enough for individuals to feel a need to follow up through the call to action. If the message is not clear and the call to action is not easily found, your email will be ineffective.
3. Send emails often but don’t spam.
Many email marketers fear angering subscribers by sending too many emails. If you’re spacing out your content and sending content that is insightful, helpful and truly valuable, your target audience will not only love it but pass it on. If someone unsubscribes after the first message, they were likely not your target audience in the first place. Always make sure that your messages are interesting and connect with the reader. Steer clear of boring messages that drag on saying absolutely nothing at all. People want to help sound organizations reach their goals and if you provide good information, they’ll jump on board. Focus on creating meaningful conversations and building solid relationships with your clients instead of bombarding them with a sales pitch all of the time.
4. Create text versions to replace your images.
It is very important to use an alternative test with your email images. Sometimes there are times when pictures will not load in the email, or when an email subscriber may not have that capability. Other services may need the client to initiate the showing of images before they download. Whatever the case may be, the alternate text will take the place of the picture. Encourage the user to enable images or encourage the call to action.
5. Links, links, links…and images too!
Providing strategic text and image links is very important within an email. Links and images draw the attention of the reader and make them click, click, click. Text links can lead to a call to action or a related website. Image links can also reinforce the same. This will make your email much more effective.