Content density is one of the tools used to measure the percentage of content against the page size. In simpler terms, it means providing information as succinctly and as clearly as possible without the fluff and unnecessary words. Pages with higher content density rank higher because “shorter is indeed sweeter” and deemed more valuable.
In 2017, content density is expected to be significantly more important for several reasons:
One, there is so much content in the Internet that there is a need to find content that does not consume so much time to read or watch. Based on data collated by GWAVA, an expert in security and the archiving of e-communications, from 2011 to 2016, Internet use has grown by 60% or from 2 billion to 3.4 billion! Every minute, the Internet grows in content in unbelievable ways:
- Over 350,000 Tweets every minute
- 400 hours of new video
- 5 million Instagram posts
- Over 4 million Facebook posts
- More than 4 billion Google searches
And this happens in just 60 seconds every day and does not include new blogs, articles, podcasts, and news bulletins. Thus, the world is under extreme pressure from information overload. Unfortunately, the majority of this content is shared. According to Statista, 70% of US Internet users share content they read online. Focusing on content density will mean compressing data in a more effective way – which is a factor that has become highly favorable with SEO engines and users.
Two, there is a trend towards higher content usability. We live in a “fast food world” where many people want it – and want it fast! Going over content that endlessly glosses over facts and data or makes use of creative and flowery descriptions will cause many readers to drop the content in favor of something that promises more value for one’s time. Truly there is a market for readers who want the poetry and rhythm but many prefer it to be short and to the point.
Three, content density improves SEO because it makes it easier for search engine robots to crawl your site and rank better content higher. This means a greater chance of being found among the millions of content being posted daily. In addition, longer content tends to take longer to load and this causes users to drop it in favor of something else.
Finally, the most important reason why content density takes center stage in 2017 is because it discourages keyword stuffing, unethical SEO practices, and negative user experience. Thus, it can only be good to focus on making your content conform to maximum user experience – because you avoid wasting users’ time which is one great way to boost your subscription base and customer base.