Everybody sends greeting cards or emails for the Holidays. It’s a great way to tell your clients and potential clients that you are human, and that you care. In today’s fast paced society, a simple greeting goes a long way. But even the simple task of sending a friendly Holiday email can get pushed to the bottom of your “to do” list, after all you’re running a business.
Don’t miss out on these important opportunities. Let your CRM do the work for you! A Customer Relationship Manager, “CRM”, can greatly improve your productivity, efficiency, and increase sales. Studies have shown that companies who have automated the sales process see a 53% higher conversion rate. That’s a big deal, so why are so many people still relying on antiquated spreadsheets to keep track of their leads and sales?
A CRM may seem like a huge undertaking that most people either don’t have the time or the money to invest in. Well, not anymore. Over 50,000 businesses trust ZohoCRM to automate their emails, social media, sales processes and client retention processes. Planned Growth is an Authorized ZohoCRM Partner. Our affordable price structure makes it feasible for any size business to obtain a completely customizable CRM.
If you have been avoiding using a CRM, now is the time. Planned Growth is here to help. Let our experts walk you through the entire process starting from importing your current system into a customized ZohoCRM through training you and your team on how to use your new ZohoCRM to its fullest. Planned Growth can set you up and get your business running just in time for the new year.