If you are a business looking to market your products and services, you are sure to be familiar with print marketing. The best way for a business or individual to work with a printing company is through collaboration on their print marketing campaign. Both parties should be involved in order to achieve great results. However, there are printing companies that promise good results but do not share progress with you.
So, before investing in a printing company, we have shared some amazing things to consider before making your first print order.
1. Clinch Your Product Description
The first thing you want to do is finalize your product description. If you do not have your final product ready or send the printing company a complex or incomplete description, the company will be completely lost and provide you with a finalized product that does not align with your color, size, and layout.
The best way to provide a full scope of the description is through communication. You would want to question yourself what sort of product you want. It could be a brochure, newsletter, flex, or booklet. A great printing company will understand your vision, communicate with you frequently, and deliver the promised results.
2. Designing Your Style for Print Marketing
Design is one of the most important aspects of your print. It is going to be important for you to find a printing company that will help you with both design and printing. We recommend that you have at least a mockup of what you are looking for that includes design ideas that you like. You can also send examples of styles that you prefer to help the designers know what you are looking for.
If you have the ability to design yourself there are tons of software available for you to work on your style and design. There is premium software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and more. If you are not that familiar with design aspects, we recommend using Canva. It’s free, easy, and takes barely five minutes to finish your design.
3. Choose the Right Size and Dimension
The third stage in the procedure that you should be aware of when seeking print for business is that you are responsible for determining the size and dimensions of your print job. Again, if you don’t think about it ahead of time, your findings may not seem as well on smaller paper as you had hoped for something much larger. So, make a decision on this critical aspect and tell it to the printing firm you’re dealing with.
By choosing and supplying dimensions, the correct printer can assist you on whether changing the dimensions would improve the outcome. If you don’t provide them with the right dimension and size, you might get a print that does not fit your requirement and produce poor results.
4. Choose the Right Technology
It is entirely up to you to choose the finest print process for your needs. As previously said, print technology is always evolving, so you are not restricted to the sort of printer you may use. In this case, it could be a smart idea to contact different printing firms for examples of projects they’ve printed on various printers.
There are plenty of options you can choose from. Flexography, digital printing, and LED UV printing are some popular ones. It all depends on your requirement. We at Planned Growth would recommend LED UV printing since it is eco-friendly, color enhanced, and consistent.
5. Proofread Multiple Times
If you want to demonstrate to customers that you are the top pick to satisfy their demands, the apparent look of any company’s marketing materials must be impeccable. If there are evident errors in the printed item, this casts doubt on your firm, and customers may lose faith in your ability to deliver on your promises. It is critical to proofread your purchase. Don’t allow a hectic schedule to prevent you from double-checking everything.
We recommend two types of proofreading. The first one would be to look for grammatical errors, spelling, and language flow which is called linguistic proofreading. The second one would be to proofread the design and visual appeal.
Before spending your dime on a printing company, you should consider a lot of things before making a print order. In this blog post, we have shared some amazing things that you should know before requesting your first print order.