Event promotion is a complicated beast with a lot of moving parts, but the cornerstone of it all is your event page or website. It’s where all the traffic for your event will be directed toward and is the point at which people have to decide whether or not they’re going to attend your event. If you don’t already have a site dedicated to your event, it’s very simple to set one up at EventBrite.com.
Even once you have your event website set up, you may find that it isn’t converting at the rate you’d like. Here are some tips to help you maximize your event’s website.
1. Target the Right Keywords
It’s important to describe your event in the terms that people are already searching for. You may be describing your event as being in the “self-help” niche, when it turns out your audience is more likely to search for “personal improvement”. Spend some time researching the keywords that relate to your event and utilize them in your copy.
2. Utilize Social Proof
If you have any standout quotes, reviews, or testimonials to share about your event, make sure they appear on your page or website. This could be as simple as adding some positive feedback you received at last year’s event, or publishing the current number of registrations. Either form of proof will make others more likely to sign up.
3. Reach Out to Relevant Websites for Links
If you know of any relevant websites in your niche, send them an email and ask if they’d be willing to cover you. You might be surprised by how many of them are willing to do a write-up of your event! Acquiring links to your event site from others can boost your authority and make you more likely to rank well in searches for the keywords you’re targeting.
4. Write a Compelling Description
Clearly indicate the topic of the event, time, place and who should attend. The description should include specific benefits for each type of attendee. Make it brief and scan-able. Use third-party endorsements when possible, such as a quote from a previous event.
5. Include Speakers’ Photos and Bios
Nothing draws a crowd like a great speaker. Images of people help to remind your prospect that your event is not just an event being hosted by a business, but an event being hosted by human beings just like them. Be sure to include photos of your speakers as well as their credentials on your event page.
6. Have a Prominent “Register Now” Button
Your “register now” button needs to be prominent and clearly visible. Without that and a call to action, you may not be able to get the conversions you want.